Feel Uncertainty

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Assalamualaikum dan Haluuu.

Happy nampak, liya? Well. Bahagia kan? hahahaha. ok enough. Feel uncertainty, you are not sure if  your partner is your jodoh? kan? Pernah tak kau terfikir, kau bercinta tiba-tiba otak kau berdrama sambil keluarkan soalan-soalan yang buat kau stress sendiri. 

"Dia kah bakal suami/isteri aku?"

"memang dia kah jodoh aku?"

"Sampai bila nak relationship?"

"bila dia nak decide for the next step? berapa lama lagi?"

the worst part is , "If I get married with him, are we gonna be happy ?"

whuutt? come on. benda belum jadi, kau dah fikir sampai ke situ. well, aku dah fikir sampai ke situ. huh.  be a person who have been hurt, kau akan sangat takut yang kau akan rasa sakit tu balik. sebab sakit yang dulu pun masih terasa sampai sekarang, takut yang dulu pun masih tinggi sampai sekarang. 

So, for this case. Kita kena berpegang pada jodoh kot. Especially when we are girl/woman of course, sebab aku selalu cakap "kuasa di tangan lelaki" , right? So, kau ikat lah dia macam mana jangan suruh itu. jangan suruh ini, if he only your boyfriend and not you fiance or husband.Sebab kuasa akad di tangan lelaki, ye tak? cewah.  Never ever ,threat them like they were you legally partner. ye lah, jadi boyfriend only on verbally. kan? kalau tunang & suami of course ada black & white dan di penuhi saksi yang sah. haha. 

Kalau your status is still only " in relationship" ,Please, focus on yourself first then him. I know, you guys might feel like I kinda giving an ego statement. But, aku pernah lalui ,when I put someone 100% priority he end up doing me like a trash, guy don't love you if you don't love yourself. Keep it on your mind.

I know if you start to love someone , insecurity and jealousy come along with your feeling. Control your neediness and clingy behavior. I don't say you don't have to be needy and clingy at all, but don't be too much. 

You know what, Sometimes I'm wondering how people can decide to get married, Ya, tu lah di katakan jodoh kan, Allah permudahkan. when I'm here struggling in relationship. Omg, sometimes being in relationship is tiring. hahaha. Not in a bad way of relationship, just feeling uncertainty , don't know how the relationship will end. Just pray for the happy ending. Amin. :) 

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